
MEd Curriculum Studies: Core Courses

Two EDCS Curriculum Courses:

  • EDCS 622 B (PK-3), D (Middle level), or G (K-14): Curriculum Leadership
  • EDCS 667 B (PK-3), D (Middle level) or G (K-14): Seminar in Curriculum Issues (repeatable). Prerequisite: 2 research courses

Note: Students must take the appropriate alpha. Students in the K-12 School Level must take 622 (G) and 667 (G).

Two Research Courses:

One Research Overview such as:

  • EDCS 606: Introduction to Research in Curriculum and Teaching
  • EDEP 408: Fundamentals of Research in Education
  • EDEP 608: Introduction to Educational Research
  • EDEF 678: Approaches to Educational Inquiry

One Research Methods such as:

  • EDCS 632: Qualitative Research Methods
  • EDEA 604: Qualitative Research Methods in Educational Organizations
  • EDEP 429: Introduction to Statistics
  • EDEP 601 Introduction to Quantitative Methods
  • EDEA 608: Survey Research Design & Analysis

Note: Alternative courses to these may be chosen in consultation with the program advisor.

When to Take Your Core Courses:

We recommend that the core courses be taken in sequence to the greatest extent possible. EDCS 622 and the introduction to research course (EDCS 606 or equivalent) should be taken near the beginning of the program, preferably the first and second semester, respectively. The research methods course (EDCS 632 or equivalent) should be taken after the introductory research course. EDCS 667, Seminar in Curriculum Issues, should be taken at the end of the program, preferably during the semester students plan to graduate.

Important: In keeping with the suggested sequence, EDCS 622 and 632 are offered only in the Fall semester, and EDCS 606 and 667 are offered only in the Spring for non-cohorted students. Please plan your program accordingly.

Core Courses

Fall  Spring Summer
First Year EDCS 622 


EDCS 606





Second Year


EDCS 632




EDCS 667




*Electives can be taken anytime during your course of study.