

MEd-CS PACMED is a 30-credit, online, 2-year, cohorted track for Pacific Island educators of all age students up through undergraduate level with a focus on the education in STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) & Place-Based Curriculum. Teachers and administrators will be supported educationally in creating culturally responsive curriculum focused on STEAM subjects. A standards-based Portfolio serves as the Plan-B “thesis” project, providing concrete evidence of the graduate’s proficiency in STEAM educational leadership. Classes are completely online, requiring a computer with microphone and speaker as well as a reliable internet connection.

12 core credits plus at least 18 credits chosen from the following list, or other courses selected in consultation with the program advisor.

Required Core Courses:

  • EDCS 622G: Curriculum Leadership (3)
  • EDCS 606: Introduction to Research (3)
  • EDCS 632: Qualitative Research Methods (3)
  • EDCS 667G: Seminar in Curriculum Issues (3)

Recommended Courses:

  • EDCS 640J: Science Education (3)
  • EDCS 640H: Mathematics Education (3)
  • EDCS 640M: Interdisciplinary Education (3)
  • EDCS 623: Science & Science Curriculum (3)
  • EDCS 630: Cultural Diversity & Education (3)
  • EDCS 480: Issues in Computer Education (3)

Required Specialization Course:

  • EDCS 642: Seminar in Integrative Multicultural Middle Level Education (1 credit; repeated 4 to 6 times)


Culminating Requirement:

  •  Plan B Project
  • Portfolio