
Preparing to Share Your Professional Portfolio

You are nearing the end of your MEd ECE Program Journey!

The culminating activity is an oral defense in which the completed portfolio is presented to the advisor, other faculty members and peers.

Part of the culmination of this effort is a Plan B Oral Defense. This is an opportunity to share your Professional Portfolio. Your advisor will arrange a date for the orals, which will include your advisor and your second reader and may include other students and supporters. Orals provide you with an opportunity to discuss the process, content, and application of your Professional Portfolio. You will also be provided with feedback to help you complete final edits before submitting your Professional Portfolio. You should take notes to be certain that these suggestions are incorporated into your final draft.

The information in this section will help you to prepare for portfolio sharing day. The oral is an opportunity to share your mastery with your peer(s) and program faculty. You may want to jot notes or write your answer to each of these questions and bring them to your oral presentation. Your portion of the sharing will take about between 15-20 minutes. Each student will present their best work, with a few minutes for questions and answers afterwards.

You should NOT attempt to share all your exemplars or reflective statements verbatim at this time. Rather, plan to share a few of the most comprehensive exemplars or highlights of your portfolio and to provide a more comprehensive picture of your expertise and major accomplishments as well as how you intend to move forward as you complete your degree. You should also be prepared to answer these basic questions about your professional journey and accomplishments.

Reflection Questions to Guide Your Sharing

The following list of reflection questions is provided to help guide your preparation. Please prepare written statement of your answers and be prepared to turn this in and share but not read this directly when you present. You will turn your written statement at the end of the Portfolio Sharing Day.

  1. Where were you professionally at the onset of this program?
  2. What goals did you hope to accomplish during the MEd ECE Program process?
  3. Describe your growth as a scholar:
    • What were your biggest challenges?
    • What have been your most significant accomplishments? (This is a chance to share two or three of your proudest exemplars)
  4. Were there any particular standards or areas where your professional growth came as a surprise?
  5. Why was this program valuable in your overall professional development and how will completing this degree impact both your work and your sense of self as a leader in the field of early childhood education?
  6. How does the work you have done in this program fit into a larger framework of lifelong learning that goes beyond simply completing graded assignments?
  7. What next steps will you take upon completion of the program?
  8. Please share any additional thoughts you have about your experience in the MEd ECE Program.

Submitting Your Professional Portfolio for the Record

After completing the Oral Defense, complete final revisions to your Professional Portfolio, incorporating comments from your advisor, 2nd reader, and colleagues at the orals. Reconfirm the final date for submission of your Professional Portfolio. Portfolios will not be accepted after this time.

Upon completion of your orals and final editing of the Professional Portfolio, upload the final draft and all exemplars in (.doc or pdf or ppt) to your MEd ECE Program Laulima Dropbox. Remove all drafts. Submit a hard copy of your signed coversheet to the MEd ECE Program Office in the Curriculum Studies Department, in Everly 224. As a courtesy, please also show our second readers that you have appreciated their support by sending a gesture of your gratitude.

You’re Done!

Make sure you get an email from your advisor verifying that you have submitted all the necessary documents to meet program requirements and are clear to graduate.