
Teacher Leader

MEd-CS Teacher Leader is a 30-credit track through which teachers may earn a master’s degree (Teacher Leader focus), a Teacher Leader Graduate certificate, and add-a-field of Teacher Leader to a Hawaii Teaching License. The Teacher Leader focus of the program is intended to prepare teachers to assume educational leadership roles in various school and community contexts based on the Teacher Leader Model Standards. Courses are offered via a combination of on-line, face-to-face, and hybrid formats.

12-core credits plus at least 18-credits chosen from the following list, or other courses selected in consultation with the program advisor.

Required Core Courses:

  • EDCS 622G: Curriculum Leadership (3)
  • EDCS 606:  Introduction to Research  (3)
  • EDCS 632: Qualitative Research Methods (3)
  • EDCS 667G: Seminar in Curriculum Issues (3)

Required Specialization Courses:

  • EDCS 607: New Literacies Leadership (3)
  • EDCS/EDEF 630: Cultural Diversity and Education (3)
  • EDCS 640M: Indigenous & Postcolonial Perspectives in Education (3)
  • EDCS 640 (Alpha) Seminar, (3)
  • EDCS 695: Plan B Master’s Project (3)
  • EDEF/EDEA 675: Introduction to Educational Policy Studies (3) or EDEF 667C: Leadership and Governance in Education (3)

Culminating Requirements: 1) Plan B Project 2) Teacher Leader Portfolio