STEMS² Symposium 2021

Session Title

Poster Presentations (Day 1)

Poster Title

Self-Study: Systems and Relationships Through a STEMS^2 Lens


As a first year teacher, I was interested in looking at my practice and how incorporating my experience and understanding in STEMS^2 as a 6th grade math and science teacher. I designed a unit around the student’s shared school space and the systems and relationships surrounding the school and how those systems and relationships affect one another and their space through food. Students were given opportunities to provide feedback and share their experience through working on the unit. This has allowed me to see how students view their place and how I can incorporate in future units additional opportunities for student’s using STEMS^2 pedagogy.


STEMS² Pillars: Makawalu, Sense of Place, Advocacy


June 30th, 2021, 10:15am–11:15am HST

Location: Posters & Partners (Gather.Town)