Hawaiʻi Statewide Family Engagement Center

Hawaiʻi Statewide Family Engagement Center Logo

Project Dates

2018 – 2027

Funding Source

The US Department of Education – Office of Elementary and Secondary Education


Our goal is to build capacity in every community in Hawai’i among schools, parents, and community organizations, so that all children thrive developmentally and academically.

CDS was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Education to establish the Hawai‘i Statewide Family Engagement Center (HSFEC) to implement effective family engagement policies, programs, and activities that lead to improvements in academic achievement for disadvantaged students. We plan to accomplish this by building capacity for school districts to systematically embed family engagement policies and practices in their education plans. HSFEC provides educators, community partners, and parents the skills and resources to effectively engage families as critical stakeholders in their child’s education from birth to Grade 12 through evidence-based training programs, professional development and technical assistance.

Principal Investigator

Victoria Timmerman, Ph.D., is the Project Director and Principal Investigator of the Hawaii Statewide Family Engagement Center, Center on Disability Studies, College of Education, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. She has worked in the field of family engagement for the past 8 years, and her doctoral dissertation research examined how family engagement curricula were taught in Hawai’i elementary teacher preparation programs. She also earned a Certificate in Program Evaluation in December 2021. In her previous position, Victoria was the graduate assistant for The AFFECT Project, a series of 5 web-based modules written for use in teacher preparation programs that outline…


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Chuan Chinn, Ph.D. is an Associate Specialist with the Center on Disability Studies. She is the Principal Investigator and Director of the Hawaii Statewide Family Engagement Center (HFEC). HFEC is a federally funded project aimed to build effective home-school partnerships to support student and school improvement through training, technical assistance, and resource development. In addition, she monitored the implementation and evaluated the effects of over ten federally funded projects and state contracts using evidence-based strategies to support a wide range of disadvantaged groups of students and adults to gain better education, employment, and healthcare opportunities.


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Hawaiʻi Statewide Family Engagement Center