Ulu Aʻe Transitions

Project Dates
2021 – 2026

Funding Source
USDOE Native Hawaiian Education Program
Ulu Aʻe, which literally means to grow upward, is a USDOE Native Hawaiian Education Program funded grant project that aims to improve the academic and HĀ achievement of at-promise students by strengthening resilience to support successful navigation of students transitioning through public schools, from elementary to middle to high and beyond.
A primary objective of Ulu Aʻe is to create resources that incorporate culture-based and digital media skills-building learning activities to support a sense of belonging and personal identity essential for the academic, character, physical, and social-emotional well-being of all our students.
School-based teams work with Ulu Aʻe project staff to implement proposed learning activities and develop new ones as needs are identified. Activities utilize a wide range of proven strategies including culture-based lessons that have demonstrated positive impact on students, field ʻāina-based experiences, integrating technology to improve 21st century skills, and building positive relationships and interconnections among, students, families, and educators.
For the Ulu Aʻe logo, we chose the ʻiwa bird to represent and guide our team/haumana (moʻolelo of Kaiona). The lines below the ʻiwa bird represent upward movement and supports.
Primary Contacts
- ALU LIKE, Inc.
- Dream Navigator
- Elly Tepper – Teacher Mentor/KAHUA Specialist
- Hawai‘i Forest Farms
- Hawai‘i Workforce Pipeline
- Kuloko Wai Provisions
- O.K. Farms
- Waikalua Loko Iʻa