
12:00am–11:59pm, April 14–16, 2020



Event Details

TCC logoSustainable Learning, Accessible, Technologies, & Diverse Contexts

Technology, Colleges, and Community (TCC) is a three-day, entirely online worldwide conference for post-secondary personnel that features over 100 concurrent sessions covering a wide range of topics related to educational technology, distance learning, and emerging technologies for teaching and learning.


Invited Plenary Speaker Sessions

One Day in the Life of TCC

For our 25th Anniversary, TCC features plenary sessions held throughout the entire day on April 15, Hawaii time. These sessions will be scheduled for a typically six-hour workday (0900 – 1500) in four regions around the world: Asia (Tokyo), Hawaii, North America (EDT) and Europe (EEST). Regardless of your location, there will be a selection of plenary sessions that you can participate in.

Details for all session TBA or as soon as available.

See examples of our 2019 plenary sessions.

This completely online conference brings educators together to share your expertise, experiences, and knowledge relevant to the use of technology in learning, teaching, innovation, and academic services. The conference very helpful and “friendly” to novices, as well as for the experienced educator. It provides you with a strong foundation about teaching and learning with modern technologies. All presentations will be archived so participation can be asynchronous. As we move into the era of the completely online AA degree, this conference will be of value to all of us in the UHCCs.

Visit the official TCC 2020 website for more information.

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