- Fall Semester Core Courses – Year One
- LTEC 600 Theory and Practice in Educational Technology (3) The profession of educational technology and the role of instructional designers. Theoretical and philosophical foundations underlying practice that include instructional systems theory, needs assessment, change theory, and relevant learning models. Practical applications of these theories to solve instructional problems in real-life settings.
- LTEC 602 Innovations in Educational Technology (3) Innovative technological advances and new media in the field of educational technology and their application in instruction.
- Spring Semester Core Courses – Year One
- LTEC 611 Ed Tech Research & Evaluation (3) Review of existing research in media/ed technology, with activities leading to the preparation of final study or project proposal.
- LTEC 613 Instructional Design and Development (3) Basic concepts and techniques of instructional design and development, for application to solving instructional problems in real-life situations.
- Final Courses – taken in last year to complete Master’s project
- LTEC 687 Learning Design Studio (3) Practicum in instructional design, development, and technology in academic and non-academic settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings in seminar format. Repeatable three times.
- LTEC 690 Seminar in Technology Leadership (3) Supervised activity in application of technology to teaching/training experiences. Repeatable three times.