
Schedule (Hybrid)

Since Fall 2017, the LTEC PhD has been offered as a hybrid program.

Campus-based schedule: The earlier ETEC specialization was solely a campus-based program, as are all the COE PhD in Education specializations. The initial LTEC PhD included a campus-based option. Currently, a campus-based program is not available for new students; however, that could be an option in the future.

Hybrid  schedule: All entering students will be in a hybrid scheduled program—a mix of campus and online meetings. The hybrid schedule requires at a minimum the following on campus face-to-face meetings: one weekend orientation in the first semester, one three-day summer meeting as part of the design studio course in the first summer, and a campus orientation for LTEC 760, the course where students prepare for their comprehensive examination and dissertation proposal. Online sessions for the scheduled classes are typically on Monday and/or Wednesday evenings but may not meet every week. In the first year, courses are scheduled in 8-10 week blocks and may cross semesters (this will be described later in this handbook). All three campus face-to-face sessions are mandatory; students failing to attend will be dropped from the program.

Electives: Electives for all LTEC PhD students may be taken online or on campus, and are offered fall, spring and summer semesters. Electives outside of LTEC may be taken with permission of the PhD coordinators.