
Summary: Doctoral Studies Progression

  1. Application and admission to the program
  2. Mandatory new student orientation (weekend in August only – on campus)
  3. Interim advisor consultation (file Graduate Division Form I)
  4. Plan and approval of a PhD course of study
  5. First year mandatory PhD coursework requirements
  6. Second year mandatory coursework requirements
  7. Continuation of coursework to meet all elective requirements
  8. Take final LTEC advanced doctoral seminar (required enrollment until candidacy achieved)
  9. Formation of dissertation committee for comprehensive examination (non-LTEC members not required at this stage)
  10. Complete short dissertation prospectus and literature review (Chapter 2 of dissertation)
  11. Oral comprehensive examination with LTEC faculty on dissertation committee
  12. Add non-LTEC dissertation committee member(s) including University Representative
  13. Dissertation proposal written and defended
  14. Approval of Dissertation Proposal (file Graduate Division Form II)
  15. Approval from UHM IRB of dissertation research (required with Form II)
  16. Form II approved by Graduate Division
  17. Enrollment for dissertation credits (LTEC 800) continuous until graduation
  18. Dissertation research and writing
  19. Schedule Oral Defense date, final document to committee no later than three weeks prior to the defense
  20. Final public Oral Defense of the dissertation (file Graduate Division Form III)
  21. Complete Graduation Application in the beginning of semester manuscript will be done
  22. Submission of the dissertation manuscript to UHM Graduate Division, and completion of all Graduate Division requirements (file Graduate Division Form IV)
  23. Graduation and awarding of PhD