
Summary: Master Studies Progression

  1. Application and admission to the program. 
  2. Mandatory new student orientation (weekend in August only – on campus)
  3. Plan and approval of a MEd course of study
  4. First year mandatory MEd coursework requirements
  5. Second year mandatory coursework requirements
  6. Continuation of coursework to meet all elective requirements
  7. Completion of Plan B culminating project within LTEC 687 and 690 course sequence
  8. Write up the results of project as a conference paper
  9. Make an online conference presentation of project  
  10. Post conference papers to the University of Hawaii Scholarspace
  11. Attend graduation and be awarded MEd

All students must take the four required core courses during their first year in the sequence shown.  Electives may be taken in any semester — fall, spring, or summer.  LTEC 687 and LTEC 690, as the exit courses, are always taken in the final year. Required courses are offered only in the semesters shown.  Students should develop a schedule based on their interests and time availability in consultation with an LTEC advisor.  The tables below illustrate examples of two- and three-year programs of study with and without summer attendance.

Three-year Plan Two-year Plan
Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer
Year 1 Year 1
600 611 600 611 Elective
602 613 Elective 602 613 Elective
Year 2 Elective
Elective Elective Year 2
Elective Elective 687 690
Year 3 Elective Elective
687 690


Three-year Plan Two-year Plan
Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer
Year 1 Year 1
600 611 600 611
602 613 602 613
Year 2 Elective Elective
Elective Elective Year 2
Elective Elective 687 690
Year 3 Elective Elective
687 690 Elective