
MEd ECE Capstone: Plan A

information about the Plan A capstone

Some students choose to complete a Plan A Thesis. If you are considering this option, it is best to review the Office of Graduate Education website and to familiarize yourself with Plan A capstone requirements. You will need to consult the Graduate Division website for important deadlines and key information.

The Plan A is a significant commitment of time and resources. It requires an original research that addresses a question of scholarly importance and makes a new contribution to the knowledge base of the field. Either or both of qualitative or quantitative research methods may be used, as appropriate to the question addressed. Most theses involve the collection of original data, but analysis of secondary data may also be appropriate. Both a final written thesis and an oral defense are required. The written thesis AND oral defense must be approved by a committee of three faculty members (an advisor and two members, one of whom may be from outside the MEd ECE Program). This is a requirement for graduation for those who choose to complete a Plan A.