First Year - Summer

  • Meet with your interim advisor (MEd ECE Program Director).
  • Attend monthly on-line Cohort Seminars.
  • Review the Program Handbook and clarify any questions about Plan B Portfolio and Course requirements.
  • Label and upload exemplars from your first Summer into your MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox and record on your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet
  • Set goals for professional involvement and growth in your first year.

First Year - Fall Semester

  • Attend monthly on-line Cohort Seminars.
  • Draft Introductory Statement and begin documenting references from your Summer work in your Bibliography (You may want to revisit the statement of objectives from your application when you draft this).
  • Write first draft of reflective statements that includes exemplars from Summer 2015 (Standards 1 and 2) mandatory courses as well as any work from elective coursework or other professional endeavors that are ready to be documented.
  • Label and upload new exemplars from Fall 2018 into your MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox and record on your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet
  • Begin to reflect on which 2 elective standards you want to address.

First Year - Spring Semester

  • Attend monthly on-line Cohort Seminars.
  • Meet with interim advisor (MEd ECE Program Director) to identify additional exemplars you might add from coursework or your professional endeavors.
  • Label and upload new exemplars from Spring 2019 into your MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox and record on your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet
  • Revise reflective statements for Standards 1 and 2 to incorporate new exemplars.
  • Draft new Standard sections as needed.
  • Update your Bibliography.
  • Update your Introduction to reflect on progress coming into your 2nd Summer.
  • Reflect on emerging portfolio themes to guide your 2nd Summer work.

Second Year - Summer Semester

  • Meet with your Interim Advisor (MEd ECE Program Director). Complete your course check to make sure you are on track in meeting credit requirements.
  • Label and upload new exemplars from Summer 2019 into your MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox and record on your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet
  • Update your Bibliography.
  • Decide which two elective standards you will address and upload exemplars for these standards into MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox.

Second Year - Fall Semester

  • Attend monthly on-line Cohort Seminars.
  • Complete work on your research course (EDCS 632).
  • By the end of the semester, collect 80% or more of the exemplars for core & elective standards, Label and upload new exemplars from Fall 2019 into your MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox and record on your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet
  • In November, begin to draft narrative reflections for standards 3 and 5.
  • Revise reflective statements from previous semesters to incorporate new exemplars.
  • Update your Bibliography.

Second Year - Spring Semester

By the end of the Spring, you should have 80% or more of your Professional Portfolio Narrative completed in draft form and all of your exemplars identified on your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet and completed exemplars labeled and uploaded into your MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox.

  • Meet with interim advisor (MEd ECE Program Director). You may be transitioned to a new Plan B Advisor to provide more one-to-one support for your Portfolio. Complete your course check to make sure you are on track in meeting credit requirements.
  • Attend monthly on-line Cohort Seminars.
  • Strategically add final exemplars for core & elective standards so that you have at least two exemplars for each standard. Identify exemplars that will come out of 3rd Summer work and add these to your Plan B Portfolio Record Sheet.
  • Update your Bibliography.
  • Draft narrative for remaining standards and revise as you add exemplars.
  • Revise Introduction, draft conclusion.
  • Add TOC and all appendices.
  • Revise reflective statements from previous semesters to incorporate new exemplars.

Third Year - Summer Semester

  • Complete the final 2 required MEd ECE core courses and label and upload exemplars into MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox.
  • Update reflection statements to include work from this Summer.
  • Revise Introduction and begin to draft Conclusion.

Third Year - Fall Semester

  • Attend monthly on-line Cohort Seminars.
  • Final graduation check.
  • The Fall semester is dedicated to finalizing your portfolios and presenting your completed project at Plan B Orals. You should be FINALIZING your work not drafting pieces. An important part of this semester is weaving the pieces of your Portfolio into a coherent and compelling whole. Deadlines are crucial so that your advisor and reviewers have the time needed to facilitate you through the editing process as you finalize your portfolio. Please be mindful of the deadlines during this semester as you may not graduate if they are not observed. We will update this timeline when the information is available.

Around 1st week of September

  • Deadline to apply for graduation. (Fill out forms in the Summer)

Around 2nd week of September

  • Upload into MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox the first draft of the entire Professional Portfolio for final review by advisor and reviewers and remove old drafts.
  • You will be assigned a Plan B Second reader. Contact your second reader to thank them for their time and support and to determine how they will send feedback to you. Your advisor will send comments using mark-up via email.

Around 4th week of October

  • Submit Revised Portfolio for proofreading by your advisor and 2nd reader.
  • Prepare for Plan B Orals.

Around 2nd week of November

  • At this point, your documentation should need only minor revisions. Work on this, incorporating written feedback by your advisor and 2nd reader.
  • Participate in Plan B – Orals (If you live on a neighbor island, plan a trip to Oʻahu for the Oral Presentation. We will include those of you far away via distance or will make separate arrangements. Bring a hard copy of your Portfolio coversheet for signing.

Around 1st week of December

  • Last day to upload scan and hardcopy of signed coversheet for Professional Portfolio to Curriculum Studies Department in Everly Hall, Room 224.
  • Last day to upload an approved FINAL version of digital Professional Portfolio in MEd ECE Laulima Dropbox. Remove all draft copies.