
Final Examination (Oral) for the Plan B Project or Paper

Keep in regular contact with your advisor and submit segments for review as scheduled. When the culminating project is near completion, talk to your advisor about scheduling the final oral examination (a requirement for graduation). Your advisor will arrange a date for the final oral, which will include your advisor and second reader (Plan B). Get a copy of the final draft of your culminating project to these participants at least two weeks in advance of the final oral exam.

The oral examination provides you with an opportunity to discuss the process, content and application of your project. Often students will receive suggestions for the final editing of the paper at the oral. You should take notes to be certain that these suggestions and directives are incorporated into your final draft.

After completing the oral examination, Plan B students should submit a copy of the project signature page, signed by your advisor and reader to the CS Secretary, and reconfirm the final date for submission of the Plan B paper.

Upon completion of the oral and final editing of the Plan B, submit a pdf of the completed paper to the department at:

As a courtesy, most students offer to give a hard copy of the final paper to their advisors/readers or committee members.