
Multilingual Multicultural Professional Practice Graduate Certificate

The Multilingual Multicultural Professional Practice Graduate Certificate (MMPP) is a 15-credit interdisciplinary program that educates and trains graduate students from various disciplines to exemplify multilingual multicultural awareness and understanding in their professional practices, and in collaboration with professionals from other disciplines. It is a joint partnership between College of Education (COE) and College of Arts, Languages & Letters (CALL) and other UHM professional schools, such as the Law School, whose overarching goals are to promote social justice, equity, and sustainability. The certificate cultivates a strong sense of place, building upon Hawaii’s unique cultures and languages, while also preparing graduates to be leaders in multilingualism, multiculturalism, and linguistic human rights. Students will be able to:

  • Critically analyze multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • Identify problems and needs across disciplines, professions, and orientations, and create solutions and programs.
  • Evaluate impacts of work with multilingual and multicultural communities and individuals to support a flourishing, sustainable, multilingual, and multicultural society.

The interdisciplinary MMPP Graduate Certificate is part of the UHM OVCAA’s Multilingual Multicultural Strategic Initiative, whose mission is to connect and enhance UHM strengths as a multilingual and multicultural environment through collaborative curriculum development, interdisciplinary research, and community partnerships.

Core Courses (Required)

  • SLS 680U Topics in Second Language Studies: Use – Introduction to Multilingualism Multiculturalism (3) [First Course]
  • EDCS 696 Graduate Certificate Capstone (3) [Last Course]

Professional Courses (Currently Approved Electives)

  • EDCS/SLS 644 Multilingual/ EL Pedagogy
  • EDCS 645 Multicultural Literacy
  • EDCS 630 Cultural Diversity in Education
  • EDCS 670: Indigenous & Postcolonial Perspectives in Education (3)
  • EDCS 671 Contemporary Native Hawaiian Education (3)
  • EDCS 440 Curriculum Implications for Multicultural Education
  • STE 403D Seminar in Educational Inquiry: International Field Study
  • EDCS 647C Classroom and School Literacy Assessment: Multilingual
  • SLS 618 Language Learning & Technologies
  • SLS 630 Second Language Program Development
  • SLS 660 Sociolinguistics and Second Languages
  • LAW 590R Workshops and Clinics: Child Welfare Clinic
  • LAW 526 Pacific Islands Legislative Drafting Directed Study
  • LWPA 587 Comparative Law
  • LWPA 514 Law & Society in Japan
  • LAW 548 Immigration Law
  • LING 416 Language as a Public Concern
  • LING 417/617 Language Acquisition and Language Revitalization
  • LING 680 Introduction to Language Documentation

Professional Courses for TESOL Licensure Add-a-field

Students may be eligible to add a TESOL Licensure Add-a-Field to their existing Hawaiʻi state teaching license upon the successful completion of the MMPP. For educators wanting a TESOL Licensure Add-a-Field, they are advised to take the set of professional courses below, which are aligned to the Hawai‘i Department of Education Nā Hopena A‘o (HĀ and BREATH, Policy E-3) and the TESOL International Association P-12 Teacher Education Program Standards.

  • SLS 680U Topics in Second Language Studies: Use – Introduction to Multilingualism Multiculturalism (3) [TESOL Standards 1, 2 and 5]
  • EDCS/SLS 644 Multilingual/ EL Pedagogy (3) [TESOL Standards 1, 2, and 3]
  • EDCS 647C Classroom & School Literacy Assessment: Multilingual [TESOL Standards 1, 2 & 4]
  • EDCS 696 Graduate Certificate Capstone [TESOL Standard 1, 2 and 5]

Choose one from below [TESOL Standards 2]:

  • EDCS 645 Multicultural Literacy
  • EDCS 630 Cultural Diversity in Education
  • EDCS 670: Indigenous & Postcolonial Perspectives in Education (3)
  • EDCS 671 Contemporary Native Hawaiian Education (3)
  • EDCS 440 Curriculum Implications for Multicultural Education
  • STE 403D Seminar in Educational Inquiry: International Field Study
  • SLS 618 Language Learning & Technologies
  • SLS 630 Second Language Program Development
  • SLS 660 Sociolinguistics and Second Languages
  • LAW 590R Child Welfare Clinic
  • LAW 526 Pacific Islands Legislative Drafting Directed Study
  • LWPA 587 Comparative Law
  • LWPA 514 Law & Society in Japan
  • LAW 548 Immigration Law
  • LING 416 Language as a Public Concern
  • LING 417/617 Language Acquisition and Language Revitalization
  • LING 680 Introduction to Language Documentation