
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Social Sciences, and Sense of Place (STEMS²)

MEd CS STEMS2 is a 30-credit track that focuses on real-world problem solving via project-based and place-based learning within a social context that integrate science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the social sciences while focusing on youths’ development in relation to their sense of self as local and global citizens.  Traditionally, STEM has been defined as the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics via project-based problem solving curriculum. Made evident from research in the field of science, math and STEM education, our current educational models do not make explicit the role place and ones sense of place plays in the teaching and learning of STEM. Teaching from a STEMS2 perspective entails place-based, project-based learning where students emulate the processes of professionals in are variety of fields (i.e., historians, engineers, etc.) to design solutions to real world problems in their local and global communities.

12-core credits plus the following 18 credits required specialization courses:

Required Core Courses:

  • EDCS 622G: Curriculum Leadership (3)
  • EDCS 606: Introduction to Research (3)
  • EDCS 632: Qualitative Research Methods (3)
  • EDCS 667G: Seminar in Curriculum Issues (3)

Required Specialization Courses:

  • STE 440: Curriculum Implications of Multicultural Education (3)
  • EDCS 640J: Seminar in Science (3)
  • EDCS 640M: Seminar, Interdisciplinary Education (3)
  • EDCS 653F: Mathematics in the Schools, Integrated Math (3)
  • EDCS 654: Ethnomathematics (3)

Culminating Requirement:

Plan B Project