Giving Day

Please join us on April 10, 2024, to celebrate philanthropy, volunteerism, and community service!

Be a part of the powerful difference people can make.


Giving Day 2024 is an opportunity to show we are all FOR UH • FOR HAWAI‘I. There are so many unique and wonderful opportunities to support and impact UH students and programs through philanthropy.

On April 10th, the COE is inviting you to support a variety of funds, including: 1) support for teachers throughout Maui County, 2) the COE’s new physical therapy program, and 3) the Dr. Niki Libarios #BeKindToAStudent fund.

Please also join us for our COE student-led competition* to raise support funds for Feed Maui and Urgent Student Relief.

  • Every gift of any size matters!
  • Digital forms of payment, including PayPal, Apple Pay, and Venmo, are welcome.
  • Your favorite fund not being highlighted? Just select “other” when making a gift on Giving Day and indicate where to send your support!
  • Preview the Giving Day landing page and sign up to be an ambassador here:
*Read about COE student Alexuz Pesantemercado’s journey to philanthropy. Our students are igniting change and making a difference!


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