Congress meeting
Dr. Truc Nguyen speaking to the COE Congress

Senate & Congress

The College of Education (COE) Congress, its representative Senate, Senate Executive Committee, various standing and ad hoc committees, function as forums for professional discourse and consideration of policies which have College-wide concern and relate directly to the educational process.

About the Congress & Senate

The Congress

  • Provides an opportunity for shared, collegial governance for the College of Education
  • Functions as a forum for professional discourse and consideration of policies which have College-wide concerns and relate directly to the educational process
  • Recognizes new and retiring personnel
  • Stimulates an aloha spirit within the College

The Senate acts on behalf of the Congress in matters concerning:

  • Purposes and goals of the College
  • Nature and scope of its curricula and programs
  • Policies governing the conduct or programs of the College
  • Standards of teaching, research, scholarship, and service
  • Personnel policies, academic freedom, privilege, and responsibility
Wist Hall


Senate Executive Committee

Upcoming Meetings

  • The next COE Senate meeting will be held on October 11, 2024 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. This meeting will be held in Nāhiku (N3) as well as online. A Zoom link for virtual participation will be shared closer to the event.
  • Subsequent Fall COE Senate meetings are scheduled for November 8th, with the COE Congress meeting on December 13th. Spring 2025 meetings are set for January 17th, February 14th, March 14th, April 11th, May 16th with the COE congress meeting held on May 8th.

Past Meetings

Standing Committee Chairs

Ad Hoc Committee Chairs

See: Committee Membership

Meeting Calendar

Other Mānoa Governance Bodies- ASUH, GSO, Staff Senate, Faculty Senate

The Associated Students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (ASUH) is the undergraduate student governance body. They advocate for student success, communicate purposefully, and pursue excellence in order to empower undergraduates to be engaged creators of positive change at UH Manoa.

COE ASUH Senator

  • Keenyn Santiago

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Graduate Student Organization’s kuleana is to serve, advocate for, and support graduate students at UH Mānoa; to foster community engagement; to facilitate positive change; and to encourage a Hawaiian place of learning.

COE GSO Senators

  • Kristina Whatley and Michelle Mahi, Curriculum Studies
  • Mark McCormick and Jianhui Zhang, Educational Foundations
  • Victoria Timmerman and Davie Yarborough, Educational Psychology
  • Barry Toyama, Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science
  • Michael Saunderson and Priscilla Wang, Learning Design and Technology
  • Michael Sheehey, Special Education
  • Mary Shook-Starsinic and Jason Marvel, Teaching


The Mānoa Staff Senate was officially approved by President David Lassner on July 26, 2019. The creation of a staff senate is a momentous step forward in furthering shared governance, transparency, and effective communication at UH Mānoa.

The senate is committed to the betterment of the university and is responsible for collaborating with the administration in the development, review, and implementation of university policies and operations that impact and concern UHM staff.

At Large Senators with COE association


The Mānoa Faculty Congress and its Senate acts for the faculty on all academic policy matters of Mānoa-wide concern, such as budget planning and implementation policy; student-faculty relations; evaluation of faculty and campus academic administrators; professional ethics matters; and other academic policy subjects referred to the Senate by the Mānoa Provost or the University of Hawai‘i president. The University of Hawai‘i Faculty Senate as such was created by the Board of Regents’ amending their bylaws on May 17, 1962.

College of Education Faculty Senators