Living Teacher Education in Hawai’i: Critical Perspectives is a new book, edited by Sarah Jane Twomey and Richard T. Johnson.
Working across diverse research boundaries, Living Teacher Education in Hawai’i: Critical Perspectives shares personalized experiences of current teacher education practices in Hawai’i and critically analyzes these practices from local and global perspectives. The creative personalized stories shared here engage the teacher in a multitude of educational interactions as they offer a fresh perspective on how teachers and teacher educators make sense of their personal and practical experiences through critical lenses. The authors present vivid cases of their own daily classroom and school-wide experiences as they offer real-life examples that explore and critique current issues in teacher education, including culture-based education; autoethnographic methods for studying the self; culturally and linguistically diverse students; performative inquiry of becoming a teacher; women as leaders in education; and drama-driven storytelling as lived curriculum. These authors challenge the historical and current conventions of teacher education and reveal that critically engaging these practices can be personally rewarding and that critical engagement and lively writing do not have to be mutually exclusive. Laced with the powerful voices and perspectives of experienced teacher educators, who are wise, creative, and critical in their grasp of current teacher education practices around the country, this book is a must read for teachers and teacher educators that help apply critical theory to classroom reality.
Dr. Richard T. Johnson, COE Curriculum Studies Professor
Dr. Sarah J. Twomey, Professor and Dean of Education, St. Mary’s University, Alberta, Canada