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Shamila Janakiraman · Assistant Professor
- Learning Design and Technology (Assistant Professor)
- Office: WIST 266
- Telephone: (808) 956-3910
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- Research Profile
Interests: Learning Design & Technology
Degrees (4)
Curriculum and Instruction (Learning Design & Technology)
Purdue University
M.S. Ed.
Learning Design & Technology
Purdue University
Marketing Management
IGNOU, India
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Madras University, India
Book Chapters (2)
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., & Watson, W. (2022). Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions towards Using Games for Learning about Socio-Scientific Topics: A Case Study. Springer Cham (I. Spector, M.J., Lockee, B.B., Childress, M. D. (eds) Learning, Design, & and Technology., Eds.). Springer, Cham. .
- Janakiraman, S. (2021). Using digital games in virtual classrooms to make attitudinal learning motivating and engaging. In Handbook of Research on Transforming Teachers’ Online Pedagogical Reasoning for Engaging K-12 Students in Virtual Learning (pp. 236-258). IGI Global.
Journal Articles (18)
- Duan, S., Exter, M., Tagare, D., Sabin, M., & Janakiraman, S. (2023). Essential Competencies for Computing Managers: Skills and Dispositions. Education and Information Technologies, special issue. .
- Richardson, J., Castellanos Reyes, D., Janakiraman, S., & Duha, M. S. U. (2023). The Process of Developing a Digital Repository for Online Teaching Using Design-Based Research. TechTrends.
- Watson, S. L., Watson, W. R., Huang, W., Janakiraman, S., & Dufault, K. H. (2023). Student Attitudes Toward Digital Badges for Instructional Design Competency-Based Education. Social Education Research, 4(2), 307–326.
- Koehler, A., Cheng, Z., Fiock, W., Janakiraman, S., & Chartier, K. (2022). Examining students’ use of online case-based discussions to support problem solving: Considering individual and collaborative experiences. Computers & Education. .
- Janakiraman, S. (2021). Creating environmentally conscious engineering professionals through attitudinal instruction: A mixed methods study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 291, 125957.
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., & Watson, W. (2021). Effectiveness of digital games in converting eco-awareness to pro-environmental behaviors when played collaboratively and individually: A mixed methods study in India. TechTrends.
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., Watson, W., & Newby, T. (2021). Exploring the Effectiveness of Digital Games in Producing Attitudinal Learning in Environmental Sustainability Education: A Mixed Methods Study. Computers and Education. .
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., Watson, W., & Shepardson, D. (2021). Influence of digital games on pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors: A mixed methods study in India using the new ecological paradigm scale. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. .
- Caskurla, S., Richardson, J., Alamri, H., Chartier, K., Farmer, T., Janakiraman, S., Strait, M., & Yang, M. (2020). Cognitive Load and Online Course Quality: Insights from Instructional Designers in a Higher Education Context. British Journal of Educational Technology.
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., Watson, W., & Fehrman, S. (2020). Examining international students’ attitudinal learning in a higher education course on cultural and language learning. Journal of International Students, 10(3). .
- Koehler, A., Cheng, Z., Fiock, H., Janakiraman, S., & Wang, H. (2020). Asynchronous online discussions during case-based learning: A problem-solving process. Online Learning Journal. .
- Cheng, Z., Watson, S., Watson, W., & Janakiraman, S. (2019). Attitudinal learning in large-enrollment classrooms: A case study. TechTrends, 1-14. .
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, W., Watson, S., & Bawa, P. (2019). ). Instructional strategies for producing attitude change in a multicultural education course: A qualitative case study. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 9(1), 300-315.
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., & Watson, W. (2018). Adult learners use of self-directed learning strategies in a massive open online course. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 13(2), 122-133.
- Janakiraman, S., Watson, S., & Watson, W. (2018). Using game-based learning to facilitate attitude change for environmental sustainability. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 12(2), 176–185.
- Watson, S., Watson, W., Caskurla, S., Janakiraman, S., & Fiock, H. (2018). Attitudinal learning and its relation to gender, age, ethnicity, enrolment purpose, and most impactful learning activity in a science of happiness MOOC. International Journal of Learning Technology, 13(4), 306-326.
- Watson, S., Watson, W., Janakiraman, S., & Richardson, J. (2017). A team of instructors’ use of social presence, teaching presence and attitudinal dissonance: An animal behavior and welfare MOOC. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18 (2), 69-90.
- Watson, W., Watson, S., & Janakiraman, S. (2017). Instructional Quality of Massive Open Online Courses: A Review of Attitudinal Change MOOCs. International Journal of Learning Technology, 12 (3).
Conference Proceedings (1)
- Tagare, D., Janakiraman, S., Exter, M., Duan, S., Sabin, M., & Tavakoli, J. (2023). Dispositions that Computing Professionals Value in the Workplace: Systematic Literature Review and Interviews with Professionals. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER '23). Association for Computing Machinery, Chicago, IL, USA. .
Presentations (2)
- Dai, C.-P., Eichelberger, A., Hoffman, D. L., Janakiraman, S., Leong, P. W. K., Menchaca, M., & Paek, S. (2024). Change for Resiliency: One Department’s Strategies for Implementing Culturally Relevant Education with a Focus on Asia and the Pacific [Featured Keynote Plenary Panel]. Presented at The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Online. [LTEC Faculty, alphabetical order for the authorship].
- Janakiraman, S. (2024). Defining Teaching Excellence and Developing a Teaching Excellence Framework at a Research-intensive University: A Case Study. Presented at Presented at The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Online. [LTEC Faculty, alphabetical order for the authorship].
Awards (11)
UPCEA Central Region Excellence in Instructional Design Award
• Recipient of the 2021 UPCEA Central Region Excellence in Instructional Design Award for "PoRTAL: Purdue Repository for Online Teaching and Learning – Tier 2.” -
2020-2021 Mary Kay Sommers Dissertation Award, Purdue University
Recipient of the 2020-2021 Mary Kay Sommers Dissertation Award from the College of Education, Purdue University. -
2020-2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Recipient of the 2020-2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Purdue University -
Best Paper Award
Recipient of the Best Paper Award at the TEEM 2020 Advances on Sustainable Development in Higher Education track, University of Salamanca, Spain. Topic: Digital Games for Environmental Sustainability Education: Implications for Educators. -
AECT Early Career Symposium
Selected to participate in the AECT Early Career Symposium at the 2019 AECT Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada organized by The Research & Theory Division -
2019 AECT Division of Distance Learning Best Practice Award
Recipient of the 2019 AECT Division of Distance Learning Best Practice Award for a team project titled, "PoRTAL: Purdue Repository for Online Teaching and Learning.” -
Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University
Awarded the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship (2019) by the College of Education, Purdue University for outstanding academic record and to devote full-time effort to the completion of all doctoral degree requirements. -
Frank B. De Bruicker Graduate Award in Educational Technology, Purdue University
Awarded the Frank B. De Bruicker Graduate Award in Educational Technology (2018) by the Learning Design & Technology program at Purdue University. -
Honorary In-Progress Poster Presentation Award, Purdue University
Awarded at the Annual Graduate Student Educational Research Symposium (AGSERS 2017). -
David Ross Fellowship, Purdue University
This competitive and prestigious fellowship was awarded by the Graduate School, Purdue University -
Scholastic India
Certificate of recognition for an “Innovative Idea” to improve student reading habits in K-12
Service Activities (9)
- 2021 - 2023 Committee Member - Teaching Excellence Advisory Committee, Purdue University
- 2021 - 2023 Speaker/Presenter - Academic presentations (4)
- 2019 - 2023 Board Member - Purdue Under-Graduate Research Council
- 2022 - Current Reviewer - Simulation & Gaming
- 2021 - Current Reviewer - Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- 2020 - Current Reviewer - Journal of Cleaner Production
- 2020 - Current Volunteer -
- 2020 - Current Volunteer - K-12 Schools in India
- 2019 - Current Reviewer - Journal of Research on Technology in Education