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Ronnie Tiffany-Kinder · Assistant Specialist
- School of Teacher Education - Elementary (Lecturer)
Degrees (3)
Doctorate of Education
Professional Educational Practice
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Master of Education in Teaching
University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Bachelor of Arts
University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Journal Articles (2)
- Simpson Steele, J., Brown, N., Tiffany-Kinder, R. M., & Tiffany-Kinder, R. M. (2019). Teacher! Teacher! An artistic exploration of the true-story troubles and triumphs of first-year teachers. Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies, 1–14.
- Simpson Steele, J., Brown, N., Tiffany-Kinder, R. M., & Tiffany-Kinder, R. M. (2019). Teacher! Teacher! An artistic exploration of the true-story troubles and triumphs of first-year teachers. Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies, 1–14.
Presentations (4)
- Padua, J. F. M., & Tiffany-Kinder, R. M. (2022). Helping Writers Grow Through Online Writing Communities. Presented at Kapiolani Community College Summer Camp, Virtual Conference.
- Padua, J. F. M., & Tiffany-Kinder, R. M. (2022). Virtual Learning Communities in Pre-Service Writing Methods Courses. Presented at Japan-United States Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC) Conference, Virtual.
- Padua, J. F. M., & Tiffany-Kinder, R. M. (2018). I was THAT Kid! . Presented at Pamantasan Conference, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
- Padua, J. F. M., Shelley, L., & Tiffany-Kinder, R. M. (2018). Academic Journey. Presented at Farrington High School, Honolulu, Hawai'i.