
11:30am–12:30pm, Jan 28 to Apr 8, 2021

Event Details

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COE Spring 2021 Marketing Workshops are held monthly from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Learn more tips and tricks on how to best market your programs and courses!

Engaging Alumni
04/08/21 – Presenters: Waynele Yu & Jaime Kent
This workshop will share strategies to connect, reconnect and engage with alumni. Join to discuss how programs in the COE are utilizing their graduates to further their work in admissions, recruitment, curriculum, and program initiatives.

Link to RSVP form 


Previous presentations can be accessed on the COE Intranet.

COE Marketing Updates and Introductions
09/10/20 – Presenters: Jen Parks & Janet Kim
A brief overview of the COE’s print, online, and other marketing materials, this lunchtime session will be a refresher and an introduction to the college’s promotional products and processes.

Basics of Social Media for Program Promotion and Community Building
10/15/20 – Presenters: Nezia Azmi & Janet Kim
A quick introduction on how social media is being used across the COE to raise awareness, recruit, and build community, this workshop will provide you with some simple tools and tricks to support your own programs and initiatives.

Copyright Basics
11/19/20 – Presenter: Dean Lodes and Paul McKimmy
An overview of copyright issues such as intellectual property, open educational resources, and fair use, this workshop will help you determine what is and is not considered copyright infringement.

Accessibility Basics
12/10/20 – 11:30 am-12:30 pm; Presenter: Adam Tanners
This workshop will help you learn the basics of how to create accessible marketing materials for electronic distribution.

Introduction to Enrollment Management
01/28/21 – Presenter: Janet Kim
Enrollment management is a systematic framework designed to support the inquiry to enrollment pipeline. This session will give an overview of the framework, so that program faculty can monitor their application and enrollment data to determine if, or where, students are falling through the cracks. Come learn about this process and receive actionable tips and steps to support students, with the overall goal of increasing enrollment.

Social Media, Part 2
02/18/21 – Presenters: Alyssa Kapaona, Janet Kim, Nezia Azmi, Nicole Su Gannet
In this session, participants will get to hear another example of how Alyssa Kapaona has utilized social media for the COE Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS), as well as promoting her published children’s book. Afterwards, this hands-on workshop session will use breakout rooms so that participants can receive support in starting and testing out a social media platform of their choice (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

Marketing Using the COE Website
03/18/21 – Presenters: Faye Furutomo & Adam Tanners
Learn more about how to market your program using the COE website. This session will cover new features to highlight your programs and pages that will help prospective students in their journey at our college. The first part of the session will cover what’s new on the website, and the second part will cover hands-on editing of the website.

For more information on how to market your program/department, please check out updated info on the COE intranet, covering timeline, best practices, and communication options, such as print, web, and social media. Here is a request form for marketing support.

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