Minor in Education

Miyu Kuboi

“Being a part of the MIE led me to realize how education is often interconnected to many other interests and majors.”


Menlo Park, California


Dean's Office

Related Degrees

  • Minor in Education

Where do you work?
I work for Kupu, a non-profit focused on conservation and empowerment of Hawaiʻi youth through environmental education. My position is an EEL (environmental education leader), and I work at Kailua Intermediate School and Kalāheo High School on the Windward side. At the schools, I help the natural resources, agriculture, and science teachers by implementing ʻāina- based learning through lessons, hands-on activities, and various field trips.

How did you become interested in the Minor in Education (MIE)?
Although I did not enter UHM interested in education, I ended up taking a class from the COE as an elective. This class inspired me greatly and led me to even more education courses. I then realized that I took enough classes to fit the minor in education requirements.

Would you recommend the MIE to other students? Why?
Yes! Being a part of the MIE led me to realize how education is often interconnected to many other interests and majors. It helped me realize that studying education does not always lead to one path (classroom teacher) and that there are many other options available.

In what ways do you hope to make a difference in the field of environmental education?
With my position at Kupu, I have met and taught so many young individuals who clearly love the earth and being outdoors. I hope that I can further inspire this younger generation to connect with nature and better care for our planet. In general, I want to see more of an emphasis on environmental and place-based learning in schools since it allows students to learn more about their home while also building a sense of community.

How did the people and the program in the COE help you along your way to your current position?
The ITE 403E course led me directly to Kupu since a representative came to the class. This course showcased many different individuals with jobs within education which led to my realization that I can pursue a job in education combined with my interest in conservation.

What was the best part of your program at the COE?
Definitely all of the kind and encouraging teachers of the COE. I loved the topics we covered but most importantly, I felt cared for by my teachers which helped me realize how important educators are.

What are your future plans?
I really love my position at Kupu, and I hope to continue doing environmental education. Eventually, I want to get my master’s in counseling and become a high school counselor since I love connecting with students.

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