Dean’s Welcome

Welcome to the College of Education (COE) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa situated in the beautiful Mānoa Valley on the island of Oʻahu. As a land-grant institution, the university is committed to improving education in Hawaiʻi, preschool through graduate school. The college is vibrant, unique, and serves not only the state of Hawaiʻi, but a regional and global market. Ours is a diverse and robust college providing educational research, policy studies, curriculum development, professional development, allied health care, educational services, and teacher and educational leader preparation programs.
The COE features eight academic departments – Curriculum Studies, Educational Administration, Educational Foundations, Educational Psychology, School of Teacher Education (Elementary, Secondary, and MEdT), Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science, Learning Design and Technology, and Special Education – and two major research units – the Center on Disability Studies and Curriculum Research & Development Group. Housed within these departments and units are three undergraduate degree programs with multiple tracks or majors, 10 master and four doctoral degrees, as well as post-baccalaureate and graduate certificates in a variety of fields, with more than 600 degrees awarded annually.
Both our undergraduate and graduate programs are ranked nationally, and the educational opportunities we provide are driven by the fundamental belief that all children deserve a high-quality education taught by highly qualified teachers. We also nurture the concept of being consummate human services professionals whereby the knowledge, skills, and dispositions learned will impact not only schools, but also communities, organizations, businesses, and private sectors. With a multitude of exceptional educational opportunities, the COE offers a variety of delivery options through distance education, online or hybrid, or on-campus instruction.
Our college’s rich history and values are manifested in preparing educators and professionals at all levels to contribute to a just, diverse, and democratic society while developing a sense of purpose and sense of place. These values are instilled within a Hawaiian culture and place of learning. It is with great humility, pleasure, and honor that I serve as Dean of the College of Education, and I welcome you to visit with us. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and our future leaders.