Supporting Our New Graduates (SONG)

Free Support Services for COE Teacher Licensure Graduates

Are you a graduate of a UHM College of Education (COE) teacher licensure program? If yes, we have free support services available to assist you in your career as an educator. HIDOE and the COE have teamed up to provide services and support, free of charge, to graduates of COE teacher licensure programs in their first two years of employment with HIDOE. If you graduated more than two years ago, services may also be available for you as well, check with the SONG coordinator listed below to see how we can help. If you are already an emergency hire teacher in a special education DOE classroom or intending to teach in a special education setting, please contact Dr. Linda Oshita about our MUSE program for special education teachers.

What Can I Get Help With?

Because we are committed to the goal of teacher effectiveness and success, it is our intention to provide support in as many areas as may be required. Some areas where assistance may be requested include:

  • Classroom management and organization
  • Organizing and developing curriculum and/or instruction
  • Collaboration and broad engagement strategies
  • Student assessment and data collection
  • IDEA/Special Education
  • Classroom and instructional resources
  • Other areas (contact the SONG Coordinator to discuss)

How do I Request Support?

To request assistance, general education teachers should contact the COE SONG coordinator Ronnie Tiffany-Kinder. SPED teachers who are requesting support should contact Linda Oshita. As specific needs are identified and addressed, resources will be added to this website that can be directly and immediately accessed. Support services may also be provided face-to-face, online, as one-on-one tutoring, customized professional development, coursework, participation in a beginning teacher professional learning community, etc.

SONG Teacher

“The support I received from the SONG program was invaluable. The help I received from my advisor has made a dramatic difference in my organization of materials and overall comfort of the room. Just knowing that they are there to support me even though I am no longer a student gives me peace of mind and makes me thankful for attending UH.” ~Amy McCann, MEdT 2014 graduate