Aloha and Irankarapte!

The Department of Curriculum Studies, together with the International and Special Programs unit in the Dean’s Office are happy to announce the upcoming Mini Symposium on Indigeneity, Sustainability, and Resilience Research – Interdisciplinary Cross-Cultural Perspectives to take place via Zoom in May 2022. 

The idea for this mini symposium came out of discussions led by Dr. Pauline Chinn together with Dr. Hirofumi Kato at the Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies (CAIS) and his colleagues at the Global Station for Indigenous Studies and Cultural Diversity (GSI) at Hokkaido University.  We decided that a mini interdisciplinary symposium would be a good forum for researchers (faculty as well as students) from both institutions to learn about each other’s work related to indigeneity, sustainability, and resilience research and education. Our hope is that this symposium paves the way for future collaborations on research and education on these topics between our institutions.

If you are interested in contributing a short presentation about the work you are doing related to the mini symposiumʻs theme, please fill out the registration form ( by April 8, 2022 (Hawaii) / April 9, 2022 (Japan) for review by the organizing committee. (We can make slight changes later, this form is meant to capture interest to help us plan).

DATE(S): We have three sets of possible dates. In the registration form, please indicate your preference to help us determine the final date(s). The number of presentations will determine if the symposium is 1 or 2 days.

  • May 9-10 (Hawaii) / May 10-11 (Japan)
  • May 10-11 (Hawaii) / May 11-12 (Japan)
  • May 11-12 (Hawaii) / May 12-13 (Japan)

TIME: 2 pm to 6 pm HST (9 am – 1 pm Japan time).

ELIGIBILITY AND FORMAT: This invitation is open to both faculty members and students in the College of Education conducting research connected to the stated theme above. If accepted, your presentation format is up to you – for example, you may present a paper accompanied by a PowerPoint, or utilize other media such as a video screening, or a performance.  Please limit your presentation to about 15 minutes of presentation with 5 minutes Q&A.

For the latest submission instructions, please be sure to click on the registration form link For questions, please reach out to Nezia Azmi, International & Special Programs Coordinator, at

Mahalo and Iyayraykere!

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