How to Become a Knowledgeable, Effective, and Caring Teacher
Student Responses:
"My teacher education program helped me..."
Mentor Responses:
"As a group, I would describe the COE graduates who work in my school as..."
Alumni Responses:
"My (most recent) COE program helped me..."
Overall, how satisfied are you with the UHM College of Education?
Student Teachers
“The support from all of my professors and field supervisors was incredible. The variety of content taught was so valuable. All of the face-to-face sessions and the program was great, and flexible as well.
Source: Survey for Student Teachers, 2023-24
Mentor Teachers
“Most students have come out of the program prepared to have their own classroom. They are typically reflective and self-aware of their strengths and areas for growth.”
Source: Survey for Mentor Teachers, 2023-24
Masters Students
“The faculty was incredibly supportive. There was an emphasis on collaboration and active learning. The professionalism, diversity, experience, and passion of our instructors.”
Source: Survey for Master’s Students, 2023-24
Alumni Ratings
Initial Licensure
“I am grateful for my wonderful professors & supervisors for their patience, support & guidance through my academic journey. They exemplified great quality teaching, mentorship & services. I am so pleased to say that I am a proud graduate of UH Mānoa COE.”
Source: 2024 Initial Licensure Programs Alumni Survey
Advanced Programs
“I really loved this program and I am still using what I learned on a regular basis.”
Source: 2024 Advanced Programs Alumni Survey
More Data
The links below provide detailed data on students’ and mentor teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the programs at the College of Education.
The goal of the College of Education is to prepare educators who are knowledgeable, effective, and caring professionals. We are committed to the assessment of our academic programs in order to continually improve student learning and to meet professional education standards. Program assessment is an ongoing process designed to monitor and improve student learning at the program (e.g., degree) level. Every semester, our programs assess students’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions through established key program assessments. You can also view results of student performance on our accreditation page. On January 27, 2020 the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) released its report titled Teacher Prep Review rating teacher preparation programs nationwide. Please read the College’s response to their report to learn more.