With an activity-filled agenda for delegations from Bukkyo and Sendai Universities, the College of Education completed another successful exchange with the longtime partners and friends. During the week of February 8, 2015, students and faculty participated in ceremonies, tours, discussions, workshops, and UHM sporting events.
In two separate welcoming receptions, Dean Donald B. Young shared warm opening remarks, brief historical outlines, and gratitude for the important relationships and collaboration among the universities.
The UHM-COE has had a rich history with Bukkyo University. Beginning in 2000, Bukkyo University has been sending an annual delegation that includes educational and clinical psychology students and faculty. In this recent visit the faculty and students observed University Laboratory School operations, visited the UHM Children’s Center, toured the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, learned English, participated in meetings and discussions, and enjoyed cultural activities.
Similarly, Sendai University has been sending biannual delegations to the COE, specifically at the department of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science (KRS) since 2004. During this recent visit, athletic training faculty and students from Sendai University – itself a sports and athletics university – explored UHM Athletics, observed a UH Baseball team practice and pregame, attended baseball and basketball games, visited McKinley High School’s athletics department, and participated in a series of workshops such as learning about athletic training certification in the US and athletic taping.
Both visits concluded on February 12, 2015 with farewell dinners and plans for future travel and exchange.