Exploring the Field of Education

MIE Courses

There is one required core course as part of the MIE:

STE 403e: Seminar in Educational Inquiry – Exploratory Education (3 cr.)

This course provides the student an opportunity to explore the field of education, including P-20 education, schools, students, teaching, and learning. The course is divided into three overarching themes:

  1. Exploring
  2. Teaching & Learning
  3. Leading

The course content exposes students to education as a broad discipline, develops and engages students in effective educator practices and pedagogy, and encourages students to identify themselves as an agent of change to be applied in their own context and discipline. Offered in fall and spring semesters.


In addition to the core course, students select four elective courses with approval by the MIE program advisor. The electives may be chosen from among the rich array offered throughout the college. All courses are 3 credits each. Some coursework may be offered in an online format.

Elective courses available every semester:

  • EDEF 310: Education in American Society (DS)
  • EDEP 311: Psychological Foundations (DS)
  • EDEP 429: Introductory Statistics
  • LTEC 112: Technologies for Academic Success
  • LTEC 442: Technologies in Education
  • LTEC 448: Social Media- Links to Lifelong Learning
  • SPED 304: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling (DS)
  • STE/EDEF 360: Multicultural Perspectives in Education (DS)


Course Fall Spring Summer Periodic
EDCS 417 x x
EDCS 432 x
EDCS 433 x
EDCS 440 x
EDEF 310 x x x
EDEF 352 x
EDEF 408 x x
EDEF 445 x x
EDEF/EDCS 453 x x x
EDEP 201 x
EDEP 311 x x x
EDEP 429 x x
STE 316 x
STE 328 x
STE 380 x
STE 417 x
STE 425 x
STE 441 x
STE/EDEF 360 x x x
LTEC 112 x x x
LTEC 442 x x
LTEC 448 x x x
SPED 201
SPED 202 x x
SPED 304 x x x
SPED 402 x
SPED 446 x
SPED 462 x