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Preparing knowledgeable, effective, and caring educators to

Contribute to a just, diverse, and democratic society

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COE Convocation
Preparing knowledgeable, effective, and caring educators to

Contribute to a just, diverse, and democratic society

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Preparing knowledgeable, effective, and caring educators to

Contribute to a just, diverse, and democratic society

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🎓🎉 Last Friday was a day to remember as we celebrated our incredible Spring 2024 graduates at the College of Education Convocation! It was a joyous occasion filled with coordinated cohort outfits, student-made stoles, and haku lei as our undergradua ... See MoreSee Less

If you have new/gently used classroom items youd like to pass on to new teachers, please submit the donation form!

If you have new/gently used classroom items you'd like to pass on to new teachers, please submit the donation form!
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EDEF 684: Education and World Order
In this course, students will examine the various ways education can respond to—and is implicated in—historical and contemporary conflicts at various levels, from the local to the global.

The overarching goal of the course is not only for students to be able to understand how planetary crises are interconnected with tensions at other levels, but also for students to be able to situate themselves in relation to these contemporary challenges, and then develop their own strategies for responding to them by engaging with course resources, class discussion, and their own networks and lived experiences.  In this way, the course seeks to contribute to the creation of a more equitable, democratic, and sustainable world.

Contact the instructor for more info!


EDEF 684: Education and World Order
In this course, students will examine the various ways education can respond to—and is implicated in—historical and contemporary conflicts at various levels, from the local to the global.

The overarching goal of the course is not only for students to be able to understand how planetary crises are interconnected with tensions at other levels, but also for students to be able to situate themselves in relation to these contemporary challenges, and then develop their own strategies for responding to them by engaging with course resources, class discussion, and their own networks and lived experiences. In this way, the course seeks to contribute to the creation of a more equitable, democratic, and sustainable world.

Contact the instructor for more info!
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NEW CERTIFICATE PROGRAM: Early Childhood Education Graduate Certificate
This certificate program allows licensed teachers to add-a-field in early childhood education. 
Funding is available! Apply for the Fall 2024 semester today!

Visit the ECE website for more information!

NEW CERTIFICATE PROGRAM: Early Childhood Education Graduate Certificate
This certificate program allows licensed teachers to add-a-field in early childhood education.
Funding is available! Apply for the Fall 2024 semester today!

Visit the ECE website for more information!
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Reform Immigration Infrastructure for peace and prosperity for ALL From CNN Employers have long sought to help fill their labor needs through immigration reform, but Congress remains gridlocked on the issue. The coalition argues Biden can do more through executive action under current law, including by expanding work permits to spouses of US citizens. Winton is among the hundreds of business leaders pushing the Biden administration to allow more undocumented immigrants who have been living in the US for years to work legally. Many of them already have jobs, are more connected to their communities -------------- Immigrants come here to work, Immigrants want a better job And make the world better doing so Many citizens also need the infrastructure to improve their lives An Office of Employment Assistance can help match our economic needs and public works needs to the needs of citizens and immigrants and their families An immigrant worker orderly path to citizenship that respects human rights is the way to work with refugees and undocumented immigrants already here denied Democracy The wealthy have no problems crossing borders or finding employment and safe harbor It is the poor and needy who need an Economic Superhighway that would benefit us all America doesn't need citizen or immigrant death camps An Economic Superhighway for citizens and immigrants can provide people education, health care, employment services and safe harbor as an investment in Humanity that yields peace and prosperity for ALL You have to invest in the future by investing in the infrastructure of Humanity Investing in war only breeds war Citizens of oppressive nations need a better job than war and underground market violence America needs Immigration and Democracy for World Peace and Prosperity To Teach Democracy You have to Be Democracy Be The Great Physician Be The Great Teacher Be The Great Law of Peace Love thy neighbor as thyself Justice for all is the Foundation of Civilization

Living next door to immigrants is not replacement, that is prosperity Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by racist supremacy Israel is replacement, Ethnic cleansing of Immigrants by Jim Crow Republicans is replacement, And that is genocide Disenfranchising the Immigration Human Rights of REFUGEES of Genocide, Poverty and Dictatorship IS Genocide, Poverty and Dictatorship That is SELF EVIDENT TRUTH Love thy neighbor as thyself That is Equality And That Is GOD GIVEN UNALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS The root of all evil is the UNCONSENSUAL AQUISITION of wealth and power, Voter Disenfranchisement Government derives it's JUST POWERS from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED The UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE AND MIGRATE A SUPERHIGHWAY OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY FOR HUMANITY The UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE for citizens and a naturalization path to citizenship for immigrants to secure UNALIENABLE human rights in Government DON'T TREAD ON DEMOCRACY Jesus was killed by our SINS OF DICTATORSHIP INJUSTICE including the death penalty Dictatorships are criminal organizations not based on the Holy Spirit of CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED Dictatorship is voter and immigrant disenfranchisement, injustice that breeds destruction Dictatorship is the definition of Slavery EQUALITY IS JUSTICE FOR ALL Contrary to the Republican Party agenda, Jesus did not come to condemn the World Contrary to Republican Party values, Jesus said love thy neighbor as thyself

Jesus did not establish Religious Dictatorship Jesus established The Keys to the Kingdom of Humanity THE COVENANT OF DEMOCRACY Love thy neighbor as thyself A way to UNITE all religions and governments with Humanity Truth, Love and Justice For All Voting is Faith Love God who is Love A Principled Constitutional Republic An Ark of the Covenant of Democracy Love thy neighbor as thyself Your right to vote is my right to vote Ye are gods, Government Magistrates Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars Give to God what is God's Jesus said FEED MY SHEEP The people of Russia, like the people of Gaza, like the immigrants on American borders are denied Democracy Because of the denial of Democracy Government injustice can create these death camps Injustice can kill us all Like Government and Religion hung Jesus With injustice By unjust traditions The word of Love is nullified Bind Governments From The Mischief of Injustice Establish the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR CITIZENS and a path to citizenship for immigrants to secure UNALIENABLE human rights in Government Jesus, Prince of Peace, Priest after the order of Melchizedek, both King and Priest Yet Jesus held no Earthly Government or Religious office, like a VOTER Jesus did not defend himself physically against government or religious injustice Jesus defended himself with truth, and his neighbors with love Jesus layed down his life to show the injustice Government is capable of And Jesus established a more perfect Union, the Covenant of Democracy Love thy neighbor as thyself Fulfilling Law and Prophecy A blessing for all humanity, Justice for All Love is King of Kings THE OLIVE LEAF OF DEMOCRACY FOR THE RAINBOW OF HUMANITY The keys to the kingdom as Jesus promised A Peace Treaty With Government Come in Peace and you are welcome The meek shall inherent the Earth With the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE Justice For All

A United Nations Global Employment Agency Network for citizens and immigrants would convert homelessness, immigration and refugees into the peace and prosperity the world needs including an orderly naturalization path to citizenship and Democracy Match the human quest for happiness to global employment and public works needs Rebuild war torn communities and communities devastated by natural disasters Reinvigorate depopulated communities Family Friendly Safe haven, education, training, health care, travel assistance, counseling, evaluation, legal aid, benefit coordination, employer and employee resources to engage SEEDS OF HOPE TO GROW PROSPERITY A platform of opportunity To unleash human potential Give the people a better job than war and underground market violence Replace Human Trafficking and Homelessness With Humane Employment Infrastructure Reinforce Righteous Law Enforcement Staff health care, elder care and child care facilities Invest in Humanity Not War Disenfranchise Dictatorships Not Democracy Citizen and Immigration Infrastructure Economc Employment Superhighway United in Peace and Prosperity With the Justice of Democracy An Ark of the Covenant of Love thy neighbor as thyself From The Office of Economic Boom Apply Today!

NEW ORDER OF THE AGES OUT OF MANY ONE PROVIDENCE HAS APPROVED OUR UNDERTAKINGS Love thy neighbor as thyself with the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE for citizens and a path to citizenship for immigrants to secure UNALIENABLE human rights in Government, Justice For All Justice preserves Life and Prosperity, the definition of Providence Government borders are for government jurisdictions The Rainbow of Humanity Has no borders Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars Give to God what is God's, LOVE Immigration is a path of peace and prosperity for ALL Immigrants are our family, a healing force of Nature, and the Unity that the Nations of Earth need for peace Refugees are our human family in need of a First Responder There is no male or female, white or black, imprisoned or free, Muslim or Christian, Gay or Straight, American or Russian, Israeli or Palestinian, in the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR CITIZENS AND A PATH TO CITIZENSHIP FOR IMMIGRANTS The definition of Satan is false accuser, enemy Lies are the mark of the beast of injustice The Truth is Immigrants are less criminal and more productive than the average American The Truth is Immigration was not criminalized until the Jim Crow 1920's, a decade of the KKK marching on Washington, building of Confederate monuments as well as lynchings and race massacres that culminated in a Great Depression Immigrants have the Faith to make their lives better and by doing so make their world a better place Immigration Is Economically Smart Global GDP is over $80 trillion, open borders would add $40–100 trillion in total global wealth, estimated gains range from 50 to 150 percent of global GDP Immigration disenfranchisement denies peace and prosperity to all by denying UNALIENABLE human rights We The People The Rainbow of Humanity Are The Principles of Democracy UNALIENABLE human rights require UNALIENABLE human rights The Very Words Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself DEMANDS Immigration is Democracy as much as voting rights

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Join us for a disability-inclusive Summer Camp in UH Mānoa’ s world-class Esports lab. The goal of this camp is to foster an Esports gaming community that is inclusive and welcoming of individuals with significant disabilities.

Each day will be packed with opportunities to apply self-determination skills through engaging activities like computer building, group gaming, and avatar creation. Campers will build connections with like-minded peers, on-campus resources, and experts with insight on careers in gaming. Don’t miss this incredible chance to level up your gaming experience. Space is limited, so apply today!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Join us for a disability-inclusive Summer Camp in UH Mānoa’ s world-class Esports lab. The goal of this camp is to foster an Esports gaming community that is inclusive and welcoming of individuals with significant disabilities.

Each day will be packed with opportunities to apply self-determination skills through engaging activities like computer building, group gaming, and avatar creation. Campers will build connections with like-minded peers, on-campus resources, and experts with insight on careers in gaming. Don’t miss this incredible chance to level up your gaming experience. Space is limited, so apply today!
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Self-determined people make their own decisions and life choices. Becoming self-determined takes preparation and empowerment. Would you like to gain practical real-world experience learning and applying the components of Self Determination? Join us at Camp!

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Self-determined people make their own decisions and life choices. Becoming self-determined takes preparation and empowerment. Would you like to gain practical real-world experience learning and applying the components of Self Determination? Join us at Camp!

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