Educational Perspectives 2007

Volume: 40

Issue: 1

Download: Vol40-1.pdf

Ed Perspectives 2007

Issue Contents and Highlights

Teaching for Tolerance and Understanding During the Japanese Internment: Lessons for Educators Today
Cherry A. McGee Banks

Lessons from China and Japan for Preschool Practice in the United States
Yi Che, Akiko Hayashi, and Joseph Tobin

Between “What I Am” and “What I Am Not”: Asians and Asian Americans in Contention and Conversation
Heekyong Teresa Pyon, Yan Cao, and Huey-li Li

Voices of Sensei: Oral Histories of Japanese American Women Teachers, 1950–2000
Julie Kang

Developing Curriculum Materials on East Asia for Secondary School Students
Linda K. Menton

Language and Cultural Maintenance of Hawai‘i-born Nisei
Hiromi Yoshida

The US Occupation and Japan’s New Democracy
Ruriko Kumano

Metaphor and Metonymy in English Language Program Curriculum Discourse in Hawai‘i: Towards an Ecological Approach
Brian Rugen and Neil Johnson

The Impact of Life Stages on Parent-child Relationships: A Comparative Look at Japanese & American University Students
Yoshimitsu Takei, Tokio Honda, and Sheau-Hue Shieh

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