Educational Perspectives 2002-1

Volume: 35

Issue: 1

Download: Vol35-1S-02.pdf

Ed Perspectives 2002

Issue Contents and Highlights

Editorial: Jaishree Odin and Hunter McEwan

Three Principles of Distance Education
Deane Neubauer

Transformations in Higher Education: Online Distance Learning
Victor Kobayashi

Implementing the UH Asynchronous Learning Network: Practices, Issues and Challenges
Jaishree K. Odin

Interactive Online Distance Learning at the University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu
Rebecca Lee

University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges: E-Learn
Marilyn Walsh

Sneak Preview: Outreach & Technology in the College of Education
Paul B. McKimmy

Hawai‘i DOE On-Line
Advanced Technology Research Branch Staff/Department of Education

UH Information Technology Services: Faculty Development Program
Hae Okimoto

A Smooth Road from Conventional Teaching to Distance Learning in Teacher Education
Haruo Nishinosono

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