Educational Perspectives 2014

Volume: 46

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Ed Perspectives 2014 Cover

Issue Contents and Highlights


From the Inside Out and the Outside In: Reflections on Identity Construction
Gay Garland Reed, Guest Editor

Protesting Identity: Memories of the Kwangju Uprising and Effects on Identity Formation of Youths
Sheena Choi

Coming Out of the Ethnic Closet: Perspectives on Identity
Ikumi Park

A Haole in a Hālau: Situating Identity, Practicing Learning
Sharon Rowe

Navigating Rough Waters: Hawaiian Science Teachers Discuss Identity
Franklin S. Allaire

Keeping a Journal: A Path to Uncovering Identity (and keeping your sanity)
Joanne E. Cooper

Patriotic Acts: Five Activities for Identity Building
Maya Soetoro-Ng

Dr. Albert Carr: Science Educator
Leslie Lopez

Barefoot-n-Ruby Reds
Bonnie Lynn Tolson

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